Tryouts and Team Formation

2025/26 Season Information will be updated here - stay tuned!


(updated Aug. 24, 2024)

2024/25 Season Information:

Warm-Up Sessions (Optional) - these are now complete (see below for details)


Tryout fees are $200. All players will receive 2 tryout jerseys.

  • Tryouts are structured so that the goalies will have a separate session with elite-level (NRL, Open AA, Open A) shooters. This session will allow the goalies to demonstrate their technical skills: shuffles, t-pushes, butterfly, butterfly slides, and butterfly pushes (also known as power pushes).
  • All the goalies will attend the goalie session, which will be 2 hours in duration. 
  • There will be a skaters-only session on Monday, August 26th. The session is intended to allow skaters to demonstrate their skating skills - forwards, backwards, crossovers, stops and starts, pivots, etc. An elite-level skater will run the session and demonstrate the precise skill/movement required for each drill.
  • Skaters will be divided into three groupings and will attend the designated time for their group.

Goalies Only:

Saturday August 24th @ Richcraft Sensplex (CIBC) from 4:00-6:00pm

** Goalie Session - Drills 1-3, Drills 4-6Drills 7-9 (PDF)

Skaters only:
Monday, August 26th @ Peplinski Arena
One hour per player: 5:00pm OR 6:00pm OR 7:00pm

** Skating Session (PDF)

  • Following the goalies only and skaters only sessions, the goalies will join the skaters for the remaining tryout sessions. The goalies will be assigned to specific groupings for the next two tryouts. The first releases for skaters and goalies will occur following the Wednesday August 28th tryout sessions.

Goalies and Skaters:·
Wednesday, August 28th @ Minto B
6:00pm, 7:00pm & 8:00pm

Thursday, August 29th @ Minto-B
6:00pm, 7:00pm & 8:00pm

  • Players will be assigned a specific hour
  • Following the Thursday, August 29th tryout sessions, the assessors will invite 45 skaters and 6 goalies to the remaining sessions on Saturday, August 31st. These 45 skaters and 6 goalies will be placed on three equal teams. These teams will be designated A, B, and C. Players who are invited to this next stage of tryouts will have to pay a $500 registration fee prior to stepping on the ice on Saturday, August 31st.

Saturday, August 31st
8:00am (Peplinski) - A vs C
1:00pm (Minto-B) - A vs B
5:00pm (Barrett-W) - B vs C

  • Team formation will occur on Sunday, September 1st and Monday, September 2nd.
  • Players who are not offered a spot on either of the U19AA teams will be refunded their $500. Players who are selected for a team, but decline that offer, will not be refunded their $500.


Tryout schedule

Goalies only
Saturday August 24th
4:00-6:00 PM (2 hours)
Richcraft Sensplex - CIBC
Skaters only
Monday, August 26th
5:00pm OR 6:00pm OR 7:00pm
Peplinski Arena
Goalies and Skaters
Wednesday, August 28th
6:00pm OR 7:00pm OR 8:00pm
Minto Barrhaven
Goalies and Skaters
Thursday, August 29th
6:00pm OR 7:00pm OR 8:00pm
Minto Barrhaven
Goalies and Skaters
Saturday, August 31st
8:00am - A vs C
1:00pm - A vs B
5:00pm - B vs C


Drills (to be used at warm-ups and tryouts)

  • Drill 1 - 2v1 Neutral Zone Swing Back Flow drill
  • Drill 2 - 2v1 Double Back Flow drill
  • Drill 3 - 2v2 Neutral Zone Swing Flow drill
  • Drill 4 - Ando's Flow drill
  • Drill 5 - 1v1 Shuttle drill with pass
  • Drill 6 - Two Threat Shooting drill


(Warm-Up Sessions (Optional) - there are now complete 

Warmup sessions are intended for those athletes who have registered to attend the EOAARA U19AA tryouts. There will be six warmup sessions scheduled to provide flexibility and accommodate players. The dates, times, and locations are located below.

Warm-up Format:

  • Each warmup session will be one hour (50 mins) long, and will be drill-focused

  • The drills in the warmup sessions will be the exact drills which will be used during tryouts.

  • The number of skaters at any one warmup session will be capped at 30 and the number of goalies will be capped at 4.

  • The maximum number of warmup sessions which a player can sign up for is limited, owing to the number of potential skaters who may be interested in these sessions. Effort will be made to ensure any interested player can attend a warmup session.

  • The warmup sessions will be run by a qualified Head Coach(es) not associated with either of the U19AA teams. The Head Coaches, Dave Mainwood and Celine Leduc from both U19AA teams will be on ice to help facilitate the drills under the lead of that coach.

Athletes can register for the warmup sessions through the follow form: Sign-up (Warm-ups only - now closed. Please contact "") 

Warm-up confirmation and payment:
  • After the form is filled out, you will receive a confirmation email.  Once we reach critical mass of athletes for these sessions you will be advised of how much to etransfer, the email to etransfer to, and which sessions you can attend.
  • Each session will be $15

Warm-up Expectations: 

  • each athlete arrive prepared to put effort into the drills, pay attention to the drills and on-ice instruction, and ask questions, if you have them.
  • Each athlete will be expected to bring a water bottle on the ice, have sharpened skates, and have all their normal equipment in good working order.
  • Each athlete will be expected to arrive at least 45 mins before the session to check in and do their own off-ice warmup.

Warm-up Master Schedule:

Sunday, August 11
4:15 PM
Cardel Rec - Bradley
Tuesday, August 13
Cardel Rec - Xu/Fan
Thursday, August 15
Bob McQuarrie - Senecal
Sunday, August 18
Jim Durrell - Peplinski
Monday, August 19
Bob McQuarrie - Senecal
Wednesday, August 21
Bob McQuarrie - Senecal 


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